Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The New Norfolk

Enter Norfolk's maze
Or is it?
Let's see.
No police dogs.
No cops wielding nighsticks
No acrid smell of tear gas bringing miscreants to their knees.
The New Norfolk is more insidious and subtle.
The New Norfolk is a blend of what is and what isn't, or what is promoted and spun, or what someone in the city's echelons consider the fad du jour.
Come to the New Norfolk.
Food carts
Light rail
An arts+design district
Downtown recycling
Bike share
Hatch Norfolk
But host an event, an art exhibit, and you're suddenly confronted with official rules and regulations
Too many people, the city says
Only 50 at a time
The New Norfolk
Norfolk's Rules and Regulations
Plant a tree in front of the junkyard or you won't get your zonig approved
The New Norfolk
Open a restaurant in the wrong place and in the wrong city ward and you will be buried under an avalanche of bureaucracy, officialdom and a labyrinth of ordinances
The New Norfolk
Try to open a used book store and you are confronted with PODs and SODs and TODs and SUCS
Zoning regulations, permits...and so forth, and you are lucky if you get approvals from the multitude of the powers to be wthin 6 months
Even if you do, you might have to put in a stoop because of fire regulations, even though your apartment and studio is on the second floor and there isn't a fire escape. So why a stoop? Because city regulations say so. That's why. So don't complain aout it. Or you won't get a certificate of occupancy.
Oddly enough, Team Better Block, the hip, urban consultants, brought us not only murals of pigs and chickens but also something else.
They showed that city officials can waive zoning regulations and code requirements, if city officials so desire.
And they did, when Better Block staged its hip, trendy and cool block parties.
The Texaco building where events were held has no running water, electricity and some very shaky floorboards.
It's a planner's nightmare and a walking zone-bie.
Team Better Block broke down the bureaucratic barriers so entrenched in Norfolk.
Team Better Block showed that the city Mamas and Papas (City Council) can, if willing, waive certain rules and regulations.
Team Better Block circumvented the red tape.
But Old habits never die, despite good intentions. 

So this is the New Norfolk.

Published by Indie News Network LLC

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