What would you do for your son?
How far would you go to earn your son’s love?
Anything, probably.

Or maybe you would cut your son loose to find his own way.
But would you get embroiled in a court case or sever ties with a company that supported and endorsed your ventures and helped you get rich?
Two examples of fathers and sons have hit the media lately and it behooves ones to take a look at what is going on between the father and the son.
There’s Ed Woodard Jr., the former CEO and president of now defunct Bank of the Commonwealth, and his son T. Brandon Woodard, who is also embroiled in the same trial with twists and turns, colorful characters, villains and vilifies.
There’s Wendell Franklin and his son, Taylor Franklin, both of whom have split from S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co., one of the oldest and most venerated firms in the region.

The Franklins, along with Tom Johnston, formed their own firm and set up temporary headquarters in the Wells Fargo Center, the same building where SL Nusbaum is housed.
The Russian writer Ivan Turgenev explored the generational conflict betweens fathers and sons in his novel “Fathers and Sons” in the mid-nineteenth century when Russia was ruled by czars and serfs owned nothing except the clothes on their back.
The novel compares and contrasts the old and the new, the emerging political thought against the backdrop of traditional Russia, steeped in the orthodoxy of centuries of ancient patronage and patriarchal rule.
Conflict and contrast.
Always, the son wants to replace the father, or do better than the father, or runs away and starts his own life.
The son grows, matures and understands why a father does what he does, or maybe he never understands.
But there’s a severing between father and son.
That’s when the son finally becomes a man. He must find his own self, his own path, good or bad. But he must find it. No one can find it for him or enable him.
He may question his own decision, but in the end he is better for it.
The split between the Franklins and SL Nusbaum and a multimillion settlement defies logic really.
Unless one looks at the underlying cause – and if one has some knowledge of the situation.
The split, supposedly, was due to the son, Taylor, not getting what the father, Wendell, thought he deserved. And what the son thought he deserved.
Over in the federal courthouse, the gallery is hearing that T. Brandon Woodard benefitted from his Daddy’s position with the Bank of the Commonwealth.
A $100,000 renovation of his son’s Norfolk home billed to the bank is one example.
According to the Virginian-Pilot, Brandon Woodard’s lawyers “have largely sought to distance him from his father.”
Ah, father-love. Loyalty. Courage. Honor.
In both cases, the father does everything for the son. And the son?
Respect? Love? Honor? Courage?
The father enables the son, and some could argue that the father has tried to buy the love of the son.
Or maybe it's mother love in disguise.
Why don't you get your facts straight about the news before you come up w your own ignorant views !!!! Your blog is pure shit !!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't even know why you would put these two situations in the same blog. It’s obvious you DON’T “know the underlying cause or have knowledge of the situation”. It is not that rare that anyone splits from S.L. Nusbaum. In fact, about 15 people left with Mr. Franklin. All long time employees. Seems to me it is a lot more than someone not getting their way, especially as you put it, “it defies logic”.
ReplyDeleteI liked the article. Hope Taylor reads the article, might just wake him up in those board room meetings.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about GREED !! If it wasn't for Mr. Nusbaum Mr. Franklin would still be painting Apt. and Taylor would not have grown up with a silver spoon in his mouth. The problem is Mr. Franklin will not stand up to his son, no matter right or wrong. Taylor's rise from collage student to "BIG DOG" came to fast. He was not tought to respect the people around him that make him what he his. I'm sure the Nusbaum's feel betrayed by this, but they are a class act. Business will go on, for S. L. Nusbaum I would bet another 100 years !!
ReplyDeleteTeam Nusbaum.
ReplyDeleteFinally someone says what a lot of people have wanted to say. The Franklins are superficial and arrogant. Little Taylor just wanted his name on a building. One day that spoiled brat will wake up and hopefully apologize to his dad for putting him in this situation. If it wasn't for SLN, Wendell and Martha would still be living in Kempsville and still painting apartments. As for the comment above about the 15 people that went with the Franklins, well they are comprised of Taylor's best friend who has to do whatever Taylor says, Wendell's son-in-law, Wendell's daughters who are not capable of having a real job and a few other employees who are drinking the Franklin kool aid. One thing that the Franklins will never have that S.L. Nusbaum has is class. You can't buy that Taylor. Oh and who names their kids after bottles of wine?
ReplyDeleteTaylor has class, come on, his daddy bought it for him at the same place he bought that nifty pocket square.
ReplyDeleteYou know what Jay-Z says- "You can pay for school but you can't buy class" #teamnusbaum
ReplyDeleteSeems like a lot of these posts are coming straight from SL Nusbaum employees...... Seems like a lot jealousy if your ask me.. Lets see Taylor graduated from college, went to work for his dad, has built 6-8 properties, and now wants to start his own company. Wait now let's look at Mr Nusbaum's kids, 1 travels to India every chance he gets & works maybe 3 hours a day, 1 came to work for Nusbaum for 1 week the quit, and the last sits in his office all day and acts like he works.......... Yes taylor and Wendell had 2 different paths, but they still want to grow their business and yes their family name (just like Nusbaum did 100 yrs ago)...... I just hope SL Nusbaum can hang on for another 100+ years. By the employees they hang onto its very unlikely. Best of luck.
ReplyDeleteNot an SL Nusbaum employee ... but a fan of the family. From what I know, Ann & Alan raised 3 incredible children. All 3 graduated college. Great colleges actually. Let's see ... UVA, Boston University & Alabama. They are not spoiled rotten brats who order $500 bottles of wine & kiss ass to fancy politicians. Did you ever think the eldest son travels to India because it makes his HEART feel good? He is not concerned about flashing his wealth all over town or lining his pockets ... he is worried about people OTHER than himself. Imagine that? Caring for others. GASP!!!! Yeh - let's judge him for going to India to help people in need. My God. Wake up. Stop drinking the Kool Aid. I don't even want to write anymore. It is a waste of my time.
ReplyDeleteHi Pete. Get back to work, I mean get back to being paid to be Taylor's BFF.
ReplyDeleteTo go from rags to riches is usually an amazing feat, but I guess it’s not that difficult to do when you walk all over the people that put you where you are today. What disgusts me the most about this article is to read that they have started a company that directly competes with S.L. Nusbaum and opened an office in the same building. (Am I right, did I read they reached a multi million-dollar settlement?) I would have made sure that Taylor and his father were with fitted with a nice orange jump suit. They had to have been planning this while still employed. I’m sure they were probably stealing client info and gathering as much information about contracts and insider information that they could right? I can totally see those poor folks that severed their ties with S.L. Nusbaum to go with these people who obviously have no integrity or morals possibly losing everything. Sorry people if they can do that to the people that gave them everything and put them where they are today, they will do it to you. As for S.L. Nusbaum I hope you have continued success.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't sound like class to me, sounds like some envious Nusbaum employees!!!!Grow up people!
ReplyDelete"Hi Pete. Get back to work, I mean get back to being paid to be Taylor's BFF."
ReplyDeleteHEY!! Y'all leave "The Sponge" out of this!
Not a Nusbaum employee, but know the family and can tell you they are a class act. Children are grounded and treat others with dignity and compassion. Franklins? Arrogent, unstable and do not care about anything except themselves. I'd liken them to the Clampetts, but that would be an insult - to the Clampetts that is.
ReplyDeleteA side note from an outsider- Through all of the hate that is being spewed back and forth, not once has the Nusbaums' character been called into question. I think that says something...
ReplyDeleteNot a Nusbaum employee but know several of them and if there is one thing I know it is this...no one at SLN is jealous of the Franklins. They are all so glad they are gone. The Franklins are dishonest and immoral. NO jealously there!
ReplyDeleteThe people who work for or with the Franklin Johnston Group should watch your back....just a matter of time before you feel the cold hard steel of the knife in your back!
It is amazing to me that people can throw stones and be so nasty when they do not know the whole story. But let me be here to tell you some facts that are true. The Franklin family has and always will love the Nusbaums. There is too much history there to ignore. Alan, Ann, Andrew, Matthew and Lindsay are wonderful people who love their family and would do anything for them, much like the Franklins. Andrew has a heart bigger than this world and loves to do charity work in India, which is his passion and what makes him so wonderful. Lindsay is an exceptional mother, wife, daughter, and sister. Matthew is a gentle person who loves his family and will continue to carry on the family name along with his brother Andrew. As for Alan and Ann, they are generous people with loving hearts that have held together a family through some difficult times. That being said, the Franklins will always cherish the good times with the Nusbaums. To be clear, the Franklins have never wished ill will, nor bad mouthed the Nusbaums and never will, that obviously has not happened with the opposite. But i think it is important to note that Wendell will always be thankful for the job he received at Nusbaum over 40 years ago, but nobody made Wendell but Wendell. He created the tax credit and multi family division of SLN and gave 40 years of dedicated service to the company, and added alot of value to it too! He brought in Tom Johnston along the way and they made the multi family division prosper and grow. When Taylor came along they were rocking and rolling and Taylor fell into place following in his father's footsteps, which i'm sure is every father's dream. Taylor loves his family and would do anything for them and they would do anything for him. Kinda like how the franklins have been there and still (even with all of this) would still be there for you lindsay, or you andrew, or you matthew. To call the Franklins selfish for wanting to take their 30 apartment complexes and manage them themselves seems crazy to me. They want control over the hard work that they have done to build all of those complexes. I guess they should be missing the salaries they all were given at Nusbaum....o wait....they only got paid by themselves for the deals they created, so nevermind! The weren't trying to take ANYTHING of the Nusbaums, just what they built, nothing else. And "Mr. orange jumpsuit comment person" Taylor, Tom, and Wendell have never done anything illegal and never confronted anyone about coming to the new company. They were approached, so good luck with that! Also, to say that the Franklins are only concerned with themselves seems amazing to me too considering the fact that they support over 15 local charities consistently and together sit on the board for 5, but yes the Franklins are selfish. Many of you have contradicted yourselves by saying Taylor was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but then go on to say he is greedy for wanting to make his own way and have his name on a door. Sooooo....would you rather him be born to privilege and do nothing but sit there and not contribute anything? That's a puzzler. Taylor is a driven and excellent businessman who learned from his father, a wonderful person. Having a determination to never settle should never be a flaw, and I wish more people were like him.
ReplyDeleteAnd since nobody has the courage to post names with their comments, allow me..
Emily Franklin
Proud member of the Franklin family and even more proud wife no matter what any of you people has to say about my husband. Carry on Franklins and Johnstons!
(sorry babe but i had to)
What happened? Were you there when the conversation started about the split? Me either. But it's obvious based on all the comments that no matter what decision was made to split, it remains that the Franklins' now have a bad reputation. Move to Miami Beach, I think that suits the Franklins well.
ReplyDeletePete Sheeran here ..... I like to thank everyone for the BFF comments and for brining me into this conversation.
ReplyDelete2 quick things....
1. Taylor is my best friend and I am going to work w my best friend everyday. That my friends is a great pleasure/priviledge.
2. Matt Nusbaum or anyone else that has a problem w me can come talk to me face to face, not by hiding on some guys ( who can't keep a job) Blog.
From what Im reading it sound like they have all ready been run out of Norfolk.
ReplyDeleteso.... slow day in the real estate biz, eh?
ReplyDeleteboth families should cont themselves lucky. not one damn person on here is defending the woodards!
everyone just needs to relax. this should help- http://guyism.com/humor/charles-ramsey-rescues-three-women-gives-greatest-interview-in-the-history-of-television.html
^ thank god I forgot the u and not the o!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know you Emily or Pete, but sounds like you guys got suckered in to the facade of what the Franklins "perceive" themselves to be; that's a pity. I guess you will come to the realization sooner or later that these people are just bad apples and all their checks they write to charity (only to get their name in the paper I'm sure) will not bring them out of the hole they have dug for themselves.
ReplyDelete^^^you^^^ didn't go to the link did you??? i said RELAX!
ReplyDeleteI imagine that the Woodards are devastated and embarrassed to be compared to the Franklins.
ReplyDeleteReading this artical, and the comments, not knowing any of the named parties mentioned, these two families are examples of how money becomes more important than morals. It take a very special type of person to slow down and remember why you are who you are. In these two cases the mighty dollor became more important then the people who got you to the place you are today. What a shame !
ReplyDeleteHey this is a reply from the orange jump suit person, all those charities they give to, would the Franklins even give if they had to remain anonymous? NOPE. Always looking for recognition and a public thank you. True givers could care less about recognition. And as for everyone remaining anonymous, I think its because they don't even want to admit that they were even associated with this situation. Sorry that you are a brainwashed casualty of that family too Mrs. Franklin Jr.
ReplyDeleteReally sick group of people....This is all you have to do with your time....Hope some benefits for you in the future...You should know what the facts are...You all sound so stupid....
ReplyDeleteYawn !!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBored already Today was fun. We should all look back at this in 2 years and laugh !
ReplyDeleteLaughing all the way to the bank. I love money ! I love greed!
ReplyDeleteI love Anonymous people making comments and acting tough because they don't have to say who they are !
ReplyDeleteI love silver spoons in my mouth
ReplyDeleteI just gave a homeless guy a $20. Just wanted everyone to know I took it back because I'm greedy !
ReplyDeleteI love orange jump suits. Just went and got sized for a new one.
ReplyDeleteI think both sides should meet at the annual dodgeball tourney and duke it out.
ReplyDeleteHey did everyone hear about the 3 girls found in Cleveland ghetto ?
ReplyDeleteOh and 30,000 people signed up to live on mars. So much more exciting news than this petty fight.
ReplyDeleteI wonder who is going to win American idol this year.
ReplyDeleteNot sure what I like more American idol or the Voice. 2 totally different shows but yet so much the same.
ReplyDeleteI just think American idol is so Greedy as they have Coke as a sponsor, but the Voice judges were all drinking Starbucks last night. Is Starbucks now their sponsor? So many questions to be answered
ReplyDeleteIs Geno smith gonna start for the jets ? I mean a second round pick as a starter.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know where I can sign the petition to get Jacksonville to sign Tim Tebow. He needs to stay in the NFL
ReplyDeleteI think we should start a petition to get MTV to start playing music videos 24/7 again. I mean Music Television that doesn't play music. Crazy !
ReplyDeleteHere's a good question. Boxers or briefs ?
ReplyDeleteSo I just bought the galaxy 4 because of the commercials and hate it. Anyone else?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone on this thread take photos of their meals and post them on Facebook. Don't you find that weird.
ReplyDeleteWe wish the best to the Franklins and the Nusbaum's...Both are great families....For all of you who are putting them down you are so misinformed...Lot's of business for both...I think the Franklin's are only interested in the business they have created....This is enough business for them...Let the Nusbaum company run with what they have....No conflict of interest....Stop all the small conservation....You APPEAR TO BE SO STUPID...Get a life....
ReplyDeleteTotally agree!
DeleteIf we get to 100 posts does this guys blog make it big time?
ReplyDeleteI miss MySpace .....
ReplyDeleteIt's evident that Mrs. Franklin is not fully aware of the events that transpired on the day that her husband and father-in-law were asked to vacate the Wells Fargo building. They didn't leave on there own, they were told to leave. Due to the fact that they were conspiring to steal clients, and employees to start their own managment company. They couldn't do this on there own, so needed to hang a carrot out front of Nusbaum employees. You may want to seek the truth for once from your husband. You continue to spew in accurate facts as to the true events.
ReplyDeleteMy two favorites-
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
I love Anonymous people making comments and acting tough because they don't have to say who they are !
May 7, 2013 at 8:31 PM
Anonymous said...
....Stop all the small conservation....You APPEAR TO BE SO STUPID...Get a life....
May 7, 2013 at 8:56 PM
Bottom line, Yes, the Franklin's give to repeated organizations, good for them, (lets just try being an anonymous donor once in a while. The true meaning of giving is when you don't have to have public recognition!) Next, I have to believe deep down the Franklin's know what they did was wrong. If not, all these people here are speaking the truth as to the lack of their moral and ethical being. And finally, Pete, get use to missing "MySpace", you will never have your own space, because your nose is stuck so far up Taylor's A&&.
ReplyDeleteA few things I would like to point out:
ReplyDelete1) I do not work for either firm, but I have received three different e-mails with the link to this blog. This has gone viral. This is not insulated to just SLN and TFJG employees, all of Hampton Roads has read this and is laughing about this,
2) I do not have to know the full details on this story to know what happened. All I have to do is reflect on my personal experiences with both the Nusbaum family and the Franklin family. Throughout the years the Nusbaums have been respectable, kind and thoughtful people. What I have seen from the Franklins is that they are narcissistic and rude. They don't give you the time of day unless you are kissing their butt or if you are wealthier than they are and they are kissing your butt.
3) Hopefully this will humble them a bit and I won't have to see the family in their pretentious limo driving around Norfolk.
4) Why do they only care about perception and what people think so much? They even forced their daughter to have gastric bypass surgery so she would look good enough to be with them.
5) Let's hope all of the ass kissers that jump when the Franklins say jump will realize that money isn't everything and your time should be spent with real people. Best of luck to The Franklins and my hat is off to the Nusbaums. May you continue to be prosperous.
Way to stay anonymous
ReplyDeleteCoward !!
ReplyDeleteWe do have very small minded people in our area, talk is cheap. Come out of the closet and say what you have to say to the Franklins. Today was payday for a lot of people. All isn't bad. Have a great day for all the ones that are complaining how rough life is for you. Get off the computer and make a life for yourself.
ReplyDeletethe Franklins actually have a job to do and actually care about their work, unlike these HATERS who sit on the computer all day waiting for this stuff to happen and have no one to look up to..... all i have to say is HATERS GONNA HATE!
ReplyDeleteoh and wait, if you have something to say, i suggest you use your name and stop hiding
you know people have made it big when they have all these negative losers trying to bring others down.
Both sides, THAT'S ENOUGH! I've never cared for the snobbiness of the Franklin's either and maybe they will begin to be genuine and not superficial , but this whole blog is out of control and hurtful. Time for the blogger to take it down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please people stop and move on.
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Seriously? I have never seen so much misinformation and lack of facts about a situation. Showing your ignorance by making posts cause "you don't like someone" is a far cry from making a comment based on actual facts and information - shame on all of you.
ReplyDeleteOH, and always remember, there are two sides to every story, so shame on you for not having all the facts before making all of these ridiculous posts.
PS: Since when is it a crime to be recognized for giving money to charity? Go to any charity event and you will see many city leaders and charitable people's names recognized; are they all jerks?
Why would the Franklin's who are in debt for some 100 million dollars in bank loans(fact stated numerous times by brother-in-law who is an employee of The Franklin Johnston Group, and married to the middle daughter, while drunk)give up millions to settle with Nusbaum ? Must be EGO !!
ReplyDeleteI agree "Where's the Gratitude" - from S.L. Nusbaum that is. You give a guy a chance by having him take all the risk, own 80% of each of the apartments and when he and his partners do well - basically supporting your other losing divisions for the last 10 years - he's a horrible person for wanting to control his own properties - you people have no clue as to what has been going on the last several years - The Franklins weren't getting a paycheck - they were putting deals together and taking huge risks to the benefit of them and 20% for S. L. Nusbaum (making S.L. Nusbaum millions)- again, where is the thank you?
ReplyDeleteThey should have given up more than 20% to Nusbaum for put up with the Franklin's nasty attitude to the Nusbaum employees.
ReplyDeleteWOW - i thought this was America.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize if you were employed by, partners with or associated with S. L. Nusbaum - it is for life.
So i'm guessing all of these Nusbaum employees writing these uninformed, inaccurate, purely emotional posts, will be at Nusbaum til the day they retire. Will never leave if another company offers them a better job or better pay, will never switch careers, and will never start their own firms.
Congratulations - you are indentured servants.
I guess i should still be working at Hardees - since they gave me my first opportunity and the pay to buy my first car - apparently i owed them the rest of my naturally working life.
Sounds like a very smart business deal on behalf of Nusbaum ! Maybe thats why they have been around for 100 years !!
ReplyDeleteNusbaum only wanted 20%,, which they got for free - because they didn't want to take any risk - it was their own business plan that they now resent. Enough said - again - none of you has a clue as to what has really been going on or what the business arrangements have been with the parties.
ReplyDeleteS.L. Nusbaum and the Franklins had a great run and a great relationship - nothing is permanent in life - change is inevitable - you all sound like high school girls experiencing your first break-up. Grow up.
S.L. Nusbaum can thank the Franklins for keeping the company afloat the last 10 years - so you can figure out where the thanks should go.
ReplyDeleteDid we forget to mention this all happened while Mr. Nusbaum was battling cancer? Where's the compassion/loyalty/family values there ...
ReplyDeleteThe Nusbaums and the Franklins are both great families/business people who deserve respect. I can only think that both families would be horrified at these ugly and classless posts. Let it go people.
ReplyDeleteThis entire article and thread of insults is sickening. Both families have worked hard, given much, and have always tried to do the right thing. Both families are made up of caring and good people. I am not sure what makes people envious and jealous, but it is evident that many of those people are blog writers/commenters and have taken the cowardly route to try and make themselves sound informed, superior, and all knowing. Attacking a family for giving to charities is pathetic and I wonder what these same people would do if they found themselves in a position where they needed help to pay for their child's cancer treatment...would they refuse the generousity of the Franklin family? Would they reread their posted comments and say, "oh, no thank you, you are only doing this to get recognition. I refuse to benefit from your money." I seriously doubt it! Wake up people. No one writing any of this knows all the details and striking out and attacking the family members is just plain sad. While I know both families, I have known the Franklins longer and while they aren't perfect, they are good and honorable people and any decisions they make to support their family isn't really anyone elses business. Best of luck to all involved!
ReplyDeleteSoooo. you're a bad person if you are successful in life, appreciate it, and want to give back and support your community by giving money to charity and let your name be attached to it (hoping it will encourage others to do the same). Seriously?
ReplyDeleteAnd, If you do well financially and give your money anonymously, everyone thinks you're a bad person because you are ungrateful and unappreciative and you don't support your community.
Jeez - you can't win with you haters.
Believe me, these charities are thrilled to receive the monies and thrilled to recognize those who are giving back and supporting them. What an idiotic attack.
So....to summarize... SL Nusbaum is hiring?
ReplyDeleteThe Franklin's are all alcoholics... the only reason they have friends is because they always pay for every thing... other than that they are not by any means real genuine people... They will smile to you when you are face to face, and bad mouth you when you turn your back...
ReplyDeleteYou are probably one of the ones who took advantage of their generosity and kindness and then you stabbed them in the back! Go make your own millions and leave the Franklin's and Nusbaum's alone?
DeleteI have finally acted on what, until now, was only a jest – I bought my ticket to space. While I may not have the slightest inclination as to what transpired between the Franklins and Nusbaums, I do believe that, as a member of humanity, I am entitled to say that this frivolous exercise of commenting on the matter, and worse yet slandering both sides, makes me want to jettison myself into the far reaches of space, and, once there, stab myself in whatever portion of my brain houses my memory of the human race.
ReplyDeleteAnonymity provides courage to cowards, and worse yet, begets ignorance. It seems like an isolated group of humanity, conveniently contained in and around Norfolk, Virginia, has suddenly regressed into dishonorable ignoramuses, whose comments presuppose their own perfection. If perfection has been achieved by so many, I cannot wait to move back home and cure all my inadequacies.
Before James Madison resurrects himself and retracts our First Amendment rights, I propose that the citizens of Hampton Roads leave both these families be; after all, our support of either side, or both, should not preclude our decency as human beings.
-Alice Addertongue
Alice (er...Ben) - you make more sense that anything I've read here.
ReplyDeleteI tired to stay away as long as I could as I know karma is a bitch. But I have to say that being anonymous is NOT a bad thing here. I know first hand how vindictive and cut throat the Franklins can be. I have seen time and time again that they are the nicest people to your face, around others just as long as it serves their purpose. The Frankins DO have some power and connections in the area and as much as we "the anonymous" want to "Stand Up", we little people cant afford to lose what we have work hard for. I know for a fact this is the case because I have seen it happen, up close. They destroy and then onto dinner and drinks as usual with no care of who they stepped on.
ReplyDeleteThe bad thing is the poor former son-in-law and the other trapped one. These are great men who had to endure this treatment up close. If you don't serve a purpose to them, business, financial or in ways to make them look good, your done. Just look at what they did to that son-in-law.
I actually do wish them success, just don't shove it in the faces of those that don't have a wine cellar (read that great article to). Remember that some of us helped get them one step closer to owning your third summer home or bi-monthly vacations.
Best of luck to them and as I stated in the beginning. Karma is a bitch..... and I see the storms clouds forming.
The Franklin family is strong and no one will break that bond! Guess what everyone they have a strong team behind them. Go for it all Franklin Johnston team. You will end on top.
ReplyDeleteI wish these Franklin cling-ons would stop jumping to their rescue here - it's embarrassing (for them). Nothing anyone in their camp can say will erase the trail of bad manners, bad ethics and bad morals that they have demonstrated for years. Wake up Franklin-ites, your day is coming. Eventually when you are no longer needed for their benefit, you will be out on the curb with yesterdays wine bottles.
ReplyDeleteI was just sent this link to this rediculous link and it sickens me. I know both families and they are both incredible and have given lots to our community.
ReplyDeleteSometimes things don't work out in your favor and relationships crumble.... That is no need to be jealous and bad mouth anyone. It seems to me that it's obvious who this is coming from and maybe realize you took total advantage of all the Franklins had to offer for years and didnt say a word did you M.S? But now you want to? Honestly I am really disappointed in you. I thought you would take the high road. You are better than all this trash talking ... Pick up the pieces and move on :)
I wonder if The POOR Former Son-in-Law has had anything to do with any of the posts? Especially the ones that talk about personal family stuff? We all know its you. Game over!
ReplyDeleteHow dare the two of you above this post even mention MS or the son in law!!! You should be ashamed of yourself. He has absolutely nothing to do with these posts. I am just sick that you would go that low. This is a perfect example of the Franklin hate that they spew. I know close friends of the Franklins that speak very highly of MS. Shame, shame, shame on you!!! Do not throw a good, hard working man and father into this. And believe me, I have met his new girlfriend and she is lovely. He has moved on. If you had any class you would apologize and STFU!!!!! Pete, seriously STFU!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAww the truth hurts
ReplyDeleteWasnt Pete that wrote that mrs s:)
DeleteI think highly if ms as well that's why I am shocked he would go so low:/ sad
We should all agree to disagree
Hardworking father? If I am not mistaken, the Franklins were generous enough to keep his business afloat. I believe that shop is funded by their money. And if I remember correctly, he left his wife and two kids high and dry to join the Franklin family. He was asked to leave and when his gravy train ended, his greed and envy got the best of him.
ReplyDeleteActually I was thinking the same thing but did not want to go there :) but glad you did.
DeleteFunny how people USE the Franklins and then bad mouth them. Hopefully that last comment will end this blog before people's comments get worse. Everyone just move on and see the positive outcome of the split.
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It is hilarious, not to mention quite obvious, that the only ones supporting the Franklins here are those on their payroll or listed in their wills. They wouldn't know a true friend if they dropped in their lap. Sad, sad little (very little) group.
ReplyDeleteI agree, hilarious that the Franklins actually think that they have supporters. They need to wake up, become humble, quit being so egotistical and realize that flashing your money does not make people admire you. Nobody looks down on people that are successful. They look down on people that are rude and arrogant. The Nusbaums have more money and are more successful than the Franklins, but nobody looks down on them or says bad things about them. Wake up Franklins....it is about how you treat people. Life is too short, make a change now.
ReplyDeleteThere are many of us who love, respect and admire both the Franklins AND the Nusbaums. These comments really have more to do with a vindictive ex-husband than any feud between those families. Business is business and feelings may have gotten hurt, but I believe both families are being dragged through the mud by someone who didn't get what he thought he deserved...even though he did VERY little to deserve anything... except perhaps marry a woman whose family happens to be wealthy.
ReplyDeletePS...I am not on the payroll nor named in any will. Just one of the MANY people who have witnessed the kindness and generosity of both families for many, many years.
ReplyDeleteThis is my first read through of these horrific comments. All I can think is that there are a few people out there who feel they have been "wronged" somehow by this family. Good grief...wouldn't we all run screaming if every person we'd ever treated poorly, whether on purpose or accidentally, had a venue to trash us in public...while still remaining anonymous. I am sure all of us have someone in our past who we don't care to associate with anymore. Doesn't give us the right to slander and defame people. It seems many of these posts are coming from one person...not sure who the "vindictive ex-husband" is, but I hope he has a good lawyer, because if these things he is saying are not true, I hope someone is getting a lawyer, because I know law enforcement can stop "cyber-bullying" which is really what this is. Doesn't matter if you are anonymous or not, ISP addresses can be traced.
ReplyDeleteLet it go whoever you are...you must have such hate in your heart. I feel sorry for you.
Lawyers? Law enforcement? Highly unlikely, see: "the Streisand effect"
And to all the obviously old people whose sensibilities are shocked at the level of discourse of anonymous internet dialogue, you are being trolled. I'll save you the trouble of searching for it. Don't feed the trolls!
In other words, don't take this too seriously, while quite entertaining, I highly doubt Taylor Franklin is crying golden tears into his $2,000 bottle of wine over this silly blog.
And to those hurt by the Franklin's alleged lifestyle choices, I have one more Wikipedia page, see nouveau riche, and conspicuous consumption, this is a tale as old as time.
So don't hate on the Franklins. While they are dreadful human beings, allegedly, as was put so eloquently in the initial blog posting, this is likely a young man who is covering his insecurities and character flaws with his insatiable desire for wealth and power, and we all know how that story ends.
I was sent this link because a friend of mine came across it and knows that I am very close with the Franklins as I have babysat for them and been around there family for some time now. I am NOT on their payroll, I am certainly not in any of their wills, they have absolutely no control over me or influence on the things that I intend to say and they have no clue that I am aware of the ridiculous things that are being said about them on this pathetic blog, which I am sure that they are humiliated by. The only thing that I would like to comment on is the absurd things that have been said about the Franklin family's character. If any of you know these people at all, you know that they are wonderful people. I have never met a more family oriented bunch, and I can imagine that some people are very jealous of the extraordinary bond that they share. The Franklins are some of the most kind hearted, loving people that I have ever met. Anytime that I have been asked to come along and help with the kids at any function I have always been treated like family by EVERYONE in the Franklin family (please note that I am not from their "circle" of friends, and I am certainly not more wealthy than they are, they are good to me because that is who they are). Their generosity amazes me, these people as well off as they are, would give you the shirt off of their back. Emily Franklin is essentially a full time volunteer and gives her heart and soul to charity and gets no where near enough recognition for all of the work she puts in, but she doesn't even think anything of it. I would like to make a point that through all of this I have never once heard the Franklin family say a single bad word about the Nusbaums. Taylor Franklin is a very young man who has done very well for himself, it is not hard to imagine why people might be hateful and jealous towards him and his very successful, self-made father. I would like to personally tell you exactly what I think of the members of the Franklin family who have been attacked in these comments individually. Amy is one of the funniest, sweetest, most loving people I have ever met. Her husband Bill might even be funnier than she is! Emily and Taylor are by far the most generous people I have ever met. The random acts of kindness I have seen from these two always blows my mind. Martha and Wendell Franklin are the sweetest couple I have ever seen in my life, they are not greedy, they are generous, their life is not all about money, their life is all about their family. From what I have seen, which has been very up-close and personal and certainly not staged, as I am no one they need to impress, the Franklin family are among the most welcoming and loving people I have ever met. To all of you people who feel that the Franklins have wronged you in some way, I hope that you feel "even" with them now. You have said terrible things about them for the world and worse their FAMILY and CHILDREN to see, I hope that you feel like you have really " exposed" them as what you want to make them out to be but I am here to tell you that every one of the posts on this blog that questions the character of this family are terribly wrong. And for the record, the comments about how they only want recognition for their generosity could not make me more sick. The Franklin family can afford to help people and they do, they do more than just give money, they give their time, and their heart and souls. Before any of you think about posting any other nasty comments on this I want you to think about the things you are writing and if you would ever want your children to read some of the things that you are saying about them...we have all made mistakes somewhere in our lives so before you start pointing any more fingers I want you to ask yourself if your hands are totally clean? Would you want to be bashed in the spotlight for your children, friends and family to see? Have the Franklins done that to you? Be adults, stop making fools of your anonymous selves.
ReplyDeleteFYI - babysitter = being on the payroll. You are being paid aren't you?!?
ReplyDeleteWell since you brought it up, why would a stay at home mom need three nannies?
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Come on Miles and Alan. Stop all this mess, your employees are all worried about jobs. You own properties with the Franklins. Enough is enough. You started this mess, making all of us turn against the Franklins. You didn't want us to even speak to them, that is so spoiled of you. Grow up. Let's get back to business. You know all of these statements are a bunch of crap. Hopefully I can get a new job, so i can get away from all this talk. Enjoy your evening.
A list of a company's employees and the amount of money they are to be paid.
The total amount of wages and salaries paid by a company to its employees.
A babysitter is paid hourly, privately. Hours are not consistent and I can assure you that being a babysitter is not my life plan. Therefore, I would not say that my babysitting for the Franklins obligates me in anyway to come to there defense. That is a choice.
Most American families have several babysitters, sometimes schedules do not line up therefore it is nice to have back up. Like all other families I babysit for, I am not the only person besides the parents who has watched their children. As previously stated, Emily is essentially a FULL TIME volunteer and HUMAN. With small children who are not in school it is not ideal or healthy for either the mother or the children to be together 24/7. They certainly do not have three full-time nannies on payroll.
Perhaps instead of throwing stones at the Franklins you all can find some time this evening to spend with your own families or work as hard as I am sure Taylor has all day to make a life for yourselves so you can stop obsessing over theirs.
That is my last bit of input, I really hope that you all find some humanity in yourselves and stop acting like savages. Leave it alone. If you are really this angry you should talk to a professional not leave hateful comments on an un-reputable blog as anonymous contributors attacking every aspect of this family's life like some grade school bullies. Accept the good in people and stop searching for something to hate. Life is short, there is no need to make it miserable.
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The story here is about class....the abundance of it by the Nusbaums and the lack of it by the Franklins. Simple. Gauche and nouveau riche Franklins known for their rude behavior vs the quiet respectabily of the Nusbaums. End of story.
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Speaking of a former employee of S.L. Nusbaum, Wendell Franklin "MADE" the apartment division of S.L. Nusbaum Realty!
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Lack of class exhibit one: The laughably gauce, passed around by many as an exhibit of nouveau riche, wedding announcement of Taylor Franklin in which the word jet set was so badly misused. Karma is a bitch. Taylor's turn has come and he and his supporters, and leeches, yes you Pete, cannot take it.
ReplyDeleteExhibit two: naming your children after wine.......
Exhibit three: the way they have treated people for years.
There is no doubt Wendall is a made man and contributed to SL Nusbaum. But he signed the agreements. He could not take it that his spoiled rotten son would not get his way.
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Alan and Miles, your family and employee's are still going at it. I must let you know your boy's have told about the money you gave them when the Franklins and Johnston left. Well that makes all of the other employee's feel great. I guess we have to say we are going to leave to get any type of bonus. Our working conditions are so bad, we don't know what is in store for us. All you seem to care about is how we can hurt the Franklins, well they were very kind to me when they worked with us. You need to turn to someone greater than you and ask for forgiveness. I never realized I am working for a company that could act so ugly. You need to talk to the deadbeat employees, that live in such a small world. Let's get back to making the company good, not trying to put other people down. Remember we are partners with the Franklins. I haven't seen them talk about anyone with Nusbaum. Several of us feel so let down over this complete matter. Life is so short to be spending time on small talk.
ReplyDeleteIf you say your not jealous then why write or here about what someone would name their child or what they did for their wedding, what they drink, whist of car they have ! If your not jealous then you a stalker you may need to get someone professional ! Look in the mirror you must be looking at a very sad person.
ReplyDeleteIf you say your not jealous then why write on here about what someone would name their child or what they did for their wedding, what they drink, what kind of car they have or what they do with THEIR money ! If your not jealous then you are a stalker you may need to get some professional help ! Look in the mirror you must be looking at a very sad person.
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The silly posts above must be from a TFJG employee. Someone not smart enough to realize that it encourages people to continue to read this blog because they think there are new posts about the Franklins. And they must not have enough work to keep them busy if they have time to post that much.
ReplyDeleteOne person never brought up during this entire blog is Tom Johnston. He is the second half of the group that left. Why is it that nobody has asked why he isn't being bashed in these comments. I would assume that it is because deep down it isn't about the fact that they wanted to start a new company, it is about character and how you treat people. Johnston hasn't been mentioned because he doesn't treat people the way the Franklins do. In fact, he didn't even want to leave SLN. I am sure he seriously considered staying and parting ways with the Franklins because he of all people know how they treat others. Ultimately though I am sure they threatened him enough that he didn't have a choice. I do have to say that I am shocked that his name is larger than the Franklin name on the logo. How on earth did Taylor agree to that?
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