Thursday, July 11, 2013

Coal critics myopic

Coal fuels these babies

David Host’s column in the July 7, Sunday edition of The Virginian-Pilot, has critics of coal fussing and fuming.

How dare he advocate for the burning of a fossil fuel that contributes to climate change.
How could he believe that technology will eventually reduce sulfur emissions of coal in the future?


But Host, CEO of T.Parker Host Inc., a shipping agent whose business was built on coal, is only protecting his constituents, who pay his living.
The coal shippers, such as Alpha Natural Resources. (Notice how coal companies have re-branded to reflect a friendlier, more palatable image.)
The shipping companies whose ships load thousands of tons of coal at piers in Norfolk and Newport News.
Whether EPA regulations are killing the coal industry is a sidebar and a distraction from some of the real issues, most of which are economics.
Many utilities are switching from burning coal to natural gas.
It’s economics.
Satanic coal feeds America's electricity gluttony
Natural gas is cheaper than coal and utilities get the added benefit of bragging to the public that they are becoming more environmentally conscious.
Coal exports aren’t falling due to EPA regulations.
Exports are falling due to less overseas demand for US coal.
Again, simple economics.
Should coal sales flatten, profit margins contract.
Wall Street reacts by selling shares of coal – ah, sorry – energy companies whose main business is selling coal.

Coal is king in Virginia. Coal built the Norfolk & Western Railway, Norfolk Southern’s predecessor.
Coal (and tobacco) built the port of Norfolk.
The burning of coal in utility plants generates 50 percent of America’s electricity.
Remember that the next time you plug in your Prius or Tesla.
Remember that every time you turn on your air conditioner when the heat index in Tidewater reaches 100 degrees.
Remember that the next time you plug in your iPhone or iPad.
Critics of coal tend to avoid one fact: what’s the alternative?
Arguments for nuclear are starting to win the day. But doubts remain. The disaster in Japan and the earthquake in Virginia have people scared.
Conservation? Haven't heard this word mentioned since the late 70s. Put simply, America consumes more energy than any other country in the world because we are gluttons. Let's talk conservation first. 
But give me an alternative to burning coal. 
Don’t rail against coal for the sake of a rant or rave.
Give us solutions.
Our energy alternatives are lost in a labyrinth of politics, posturing and myopia.
Think BIG, real BIG.
But I bet you that if natural gas becomes scarce, coal sales will soar.
Just a thought. 

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