Norfolk City Council unanimously changed the Downtown Cultural and Convention Center District to Downtown Arts and Design District.
In one deft stroke, proponents of an arts district got what they wanted. Whether they will get more remains to be seen.
It is a surprise because the Virginian-Pilot didn’t crow about this change; didn't even mention it. Instead, food carts were the topic du jour.
It’s also a surprise because the agenda item was cloaked in planner-speak. Unless you opened the file, you would have no idea that the item was related to the arts and design district.
Here’s the agenda item.
Public hearing scheduled this day, under State law, public notice having been inserted in the local press by the City Clerk, on the application of the City Planning Commission to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Norfolk, 1992, to amend Chapter 2 by adding definitions and replace and reordain Chapter 8 regulating the Downtown Districts.
Would you have guessed that this item was about the much ballyhooed “arts and design district?”

No matter, it’s a done deal. Long live Norfolk's arts and design district.
Proponents who have stumped, promoted, pitched (and pitched a fit when anyone thought this idea was bunkum) must be delighted.
You know them.
Kevin Murphy

Hannah Serrano
Jesse Scaccia
Clint Dalton
Mike Day
Marissa DiGirolamo
Anne Knox
Patricia O’Neil
Stacy Ortiz
Careyann Weinberg
Thom White
Tina Wright
Never have I seen so many names attached to a zoning amendment or change. Even a hike in the tax rate never engendered such exuberance and community participation.
Opponents: none.
I suspect that the agenda item confused opponents, since they are Philistines and can’t read, write or understand art and design.
We’re just into guns, buns and beer.
But new rules are attached to the district. Thank God, guns, buns and beer aren't outlawed. Yet.
After hours membership organizations and commercial drive-throughs (bye-bye banks) are not permitted in the “arts and design district,” or D-4. Auto and truck repair, indoor flea markets and warehouse and wholesale operations are only permitted by special exception – in other words, City Council decides the fate of your business.
But the city will embrace antique stores, breweries and wineries, consignment shops and used book stores and media sales.
By right.
Other goodies are in the ordinance. But you can read them here.
Coming attractions:
Armada Hoffler IPO not so hot, some analysts say
Should the Commonwealth Transportation Board bear some responsibility for tolls?
So you know what the Founding Fathers thought...
Shipping money overseas not just for private companies
Editor's note: Today's blog is a revision of Friday's blog. New additions to The Daily Newswanger include political news and commentary from The Left and The Right by local bloggers.
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