you say, may have the gift of gab. Others may have a gift of beauty
or wisdom.
have neither beauty nor wisdom. But they do have the gift of gab.
subscribe to the adage that it's better to give than to receive but
only if you give and they receive.
Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, were vilified, indicted and
convicted in the court of political and public opinion. They took
gifts. Others might say they received gifts.

they realized the jury wasn't buying it – that Gov. Bob's job to
pitch snake oil (Anatabloc) was part of his job and doing business in
Virginia – Bob and Maureen had a reality moment as they blamed each
other for their own defects.
by McDonnell's humbling, Virginia's lawmakers vow to reform
“gift-giving” (legalized bribery) laws in Virginia, though the
same vocal penitence was heard in Congress, and you see how far
that's progressed.
lawmakers should reform themselves, for they are the biggest gift
takers in this state. It isn't the number of gifts but the size of
the gift that really matters.
their case, size is everything.
refer to their state-sponsored health coverage.

they don't get health coverage. Nor will they if many of Virginia's
lawmakers insist on stalling Medicaid expansion in Virginia.
heard the arguments against expanding Medicaid and I have heard the
arguments for the state embracing the expansion of Medicaid.
tired of writing off millions in charity for individuals without
insurance, stand behind the expansion of Medicaid. Doctors don't
really care since many don't opt into hospital charity care, though
they have the option to do so, and then send debt collectors after
you to collect their inflated fees.
majority of Democrats, predictably, voted to expand Medicaid. The
majority of Republicans, predictably, voted against the expansion
Medicaid. (See who's on the tax payer paid health care dole in this analysis by TheVirginian-Pilot here. Find your legislator and see if it has been gifted.)
on one hand, Democrats in the General Assembly are willing to give a
little to get a little. Republicans, on the other hand, get a lot and
give nothing. Even wealthy Democrats, intentionally populist, don't
look a gift-horse in the mouth.

health coverage, while many Virginians don't have health coverage or
are still paying dearly for health coverage, isn't a gift.
is earned.
lawmakers haven't earned anything.
soon: The Say What? Show. Sponsored
by News to Die For LLC, Adrift LLC and Paine in the Ass Institute, an
anarcho-minimalist think tank, Libertarian in thought and body.
Note: If you don't know the identities of the above individuals, I refer you to VAGA101.
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