Friday, December 21, 2012

Just News

Sometimes a Bad Notion
Would you want someone from Macquarie or Skanska or Ferrovial on the board of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission?

These are the companies behind future tolls on the Mid-Town Tunnel, Downtown Tunnel, the Martin Luther King Jr. Freeway and Route 460.

The thought has entered the minds of some Einstein’s in the governor’s office. Nothing has been done yet, however.

But Norfolk, to ambush such a notion, has gone on record opposing such a possibility.

“The City opposes efforts to broaden Metropolitan Planning Organization voting membership to include private sector representatives,” the city’s 2013 legislative agenda says. “Representation by local-elected public officials makes MPOs most accountable to the citizens of Virginia.”

The Commission is composed of 17 cities and counties in the Tidewater region of Virginia. Each municipality is represented by an elected official.

 Metropolitan planning organizations, mandated and funded by the federal government, are transportation policy making organizations authorized by the Federal Highway Act of 1962.

Sponsors Wanted

Decker Scope Arena. Or Cox Harbor Park. It could become a reality as Norfolk is offering its seven venues to sponsors, including naming rights.

The venues include Scope Arena, Chrysler Hall, Harbor Park, Harrison Opera House, the Attucks Theatre, the Wells Theatre and Harbor Park.

Proposals are due January 18, 2012. A pre-proposal conference is scheduled for Jan. 4 at 1pm at the Scope Arena, 201 Brambleton Avenue.

Stadiums and city arenas have been popular venues for naming rights. Now it’s Norfolk’s turn.

“No, the City has never embarked upon such an effort before,” said John Rhamstine, director of Seven Venues. “We are really seeing if there is any interest in packaging our rights and selling them.”

“Right now we have no idea what the market will bear but we believe we have some good opportunities for the right company.”

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